About the latest trends in IT, cybersecurity, and software development through engaging and informative articles.

  • kendimi tanima ve keşfetme yolculugum bitmiyor.

    kalabaliklar arasinda kendi sesimi duymak, hayallerimi ve hedeflerimi netlestirmek benim gerekliligim.

    Cogu zaman yalnizlik ve pismanlik hissiyle yuzlesmek zorunda kalsam da, bu surec beni derin dusunen ve kendim icin bir cikis yolu arayan biri yapti.

    sapla samani ayirmayi, kaybedecegimi hic dusunmedigim seyleri kaybedince anladim, cok gec.

    basklarindan tamamen siyirilip bireyselcilige dondum.

    benden geriye kalan tek iz bencillik ve umursamamaktir.






  • kurulum aşaması

    ubuntu 22.04 versiyonunda test edildi, apache2 paketinin kuruludur, sadece modesecurity için kurulum notu ve diğer şeyler…

    Kurulacak paketler ;

    apt-get update
    apt-get install libapache2-mod-security2 modsecurity-crs

    Default Conf

    mv /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf-recommended /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf


    SecRuleEngine On
    SecResponseBodyAccess Off
    SecRequestBodyLimit 13107200


    cp /usr/share/modsecurity-crs/crs-setup.conf.example /etc/modsecurity/crs-setup.conf


    IncludeOptional /etc/modsecurity/crs-setup.conf
    IncludeOptional /usr/share/modsecurity-crs/rules/*.conf


    sudo a2enmod security2
    sudo systemctl restart apache2

    ubuntu 22.04 de gelen OWASP CRS ve modsecurity sürümleri güncellendi. güvenlik açıklarını önlemek için kuralları ve yazılımı düzenli olarak güncelleyin.






  • In the web development process, server-based languages such as PHP, ASP, and JSP are widely used. The basic working principle of these languages is that the code written is executed on a server and then returned to the user. In other words, user requests are sent to the server, the relevant operations are performed on the server, and the results are presented back to the user. However, when developing with these server-based languages, you don’t necessarily have to rely on a hosting service. You can also test and develop these operations on your own computer. This is where the local server comes into play.

    A local server is software that allows your computer to function as a server. With this software, your computer behaves like a server, enabling you to run and test your web-based applications locally. This way, you can develop and test your projects without needing an internet connection or rent a any vps/vds.

    Recommended Programs for Using a Local Server

    1. XAMPP
    2. WAMP
    3. MAMP
    4. Laragon
    5. Tomcat






  • I will try again.




